Danit Rofeh's Quilting Studio
A Loving Home for the Art of Quilting
How do I start learning at Danit's Quilting Studio?
Most of the lessons in the quilting studio are what we call "independent project", and they take place either in the mornings (10:00-13:00) or in the afternoons (17:00-20:00).
Students coming to the quilting studio for the first time, are highly recommended to start by signing up for an independent project lesson, in which they can begin working on their first project. Before they start with group lessons, however, they are required to come for a one hour private lessons with Danit, in order to get to know the tools with which they will be quilting, and how to use them. In this first lesson, Danit's quilting tools with be available to you, and we also have a small shop from which you can purchase your own fabrics and notions later on.
Most students choose to do their first private lesson and then group lesson one after the other, in order to save on travelling, as well as to keep working on what they started (after only one hour of quilting, most of us really want to keep going!)
After this first step, our new students are welcome to join quilting lessons at the studio at their convenience, as often or as occasionally as they are comfortable with!
A three hour long, group lessons, costs 198 ils.
A private 1 hour lesson with Danit also costs 198 ils.
One can pay for each lesson separately, or purchase a "learning unit" for 1848 ils, 31 hours of quilting lessons, for the price of only 28, which means - you get 3 extra hours for FREE!
You are welcome to contact us for more information or to sign up and begin learning with us!
phone: 03-5172444 Email: danit@danitstudio.com
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Web design and maintenance work done by Maayan Rofe (view online store)
icons on this site were designed by Hollie Burgess, José Manuel de Laá, and Tyler Beichner
Danit's Quilting Studio is located at 37 Geula st. Tel Aviv, Israel